Our Day services

Our Day Services enables people to access mainstream facilities and integrate into active community life

Our Day Services

  • We provide spaces where people  feel safe to join in community activities. 
  • People come and socialise, learn new skills , play  or form new friendships 
  • Activities range from – learning how to prepare simple meals to cooked meals 
  • Learning a hobby like art, dancing, playing games, IT skills, writing CV for paid or voluntary work, opening bank accounts and managing money 
  • Getting involved in national events- celebrating  events 
  • Going for trips
  • Having 1:1 support to enjoy own hobbies or interest 

People have a feeling of belonging , our support workers enable them to achieve on their own or with others 

Day services calender is always filled with activities

  • People contribute to planning of activities
  • They always have something to do or enjoy 
  •  In groups or 1:1

What we achieve with people

People feel safe to enjoy whatever makes them happy, they form friendships, learn new hobbies or skills.

They know what is in their community and become part of the community.